Hello there,
Please forgive me for being MIA.
On Sunday, February 9th, 2025 at 2:53 PM, Stefano Brivio <sbrivio(a)redhat.com>
On Sat, 08 Feb 2025 17:19:59 +0000
Prafulla Giri prafulla.giri(a)protonmail.com wrote:
On Friday, February 7th, 2025 at 3:01 PM, Stefano
Brivio sbrivio(a)redhat.com wrote:
On Fri, 07 Feb 2025 06:49:45 +0000
Prafulla Giri prafulla.giri(a)protonmail.com wrote:
On Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 4:01 PM,
Stefano Brivio
sbrivio(a)redhat.com wrote:
> But the libvirt profile is not associated to the
> process, oops.
Oh, so this is what is being worked upon: that Apparmor is not making
the association
That, I'm not sure, but at least Andrea asked openSUSE and Ubuntu
people for comments. I just prepared (and merged) a workaround for the
moment. You are Cc'ed on the patch. If you want to test it, you should
add this:
# Workaround: libvirt's profile comes with a passt subprofile which includes,
# in turn, <abstractions/passt>, and adds libvirt-specific rules on top, to
# allow passt (when started by libvirtd) to write socket and PID files in the
# location requested by libvirtd itself, and to execute passt itself.
# However, when libvirt runs as unprivileged user, the mechanism based on
# virt-aa-helper, designed to build per-VM profiles as guests are started,
# doesn't work. The helper needs to create and load profiles on the fly, which
# can't be done by unprivileged users, of course.
# As a result, libvirtd runs unconfined if guests are started by unprivileged
# users, starting passt unconfined as well, which means that passt runs under
# its own stand-alone profile (this one), which implies in turn that execve()
# of /usr/bin/passt is not allowed, and socket and PID files can't be written.
# Duplicate libvirt-specific rules here as long as this is not solved in
# libvirt's profile itself.
/usr/bin/passt r,
owner @{run}/user/[0-9]/libvirt/qemu/run/passt/ rw,
owner @{run}/libvirt/qemu/passt/* rw,
to your /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.passt. Note that changes to AppArmor
policy files are retained as configuration, so, if you edit it, package
upgrades won't override things automatically. You will need to:
I seem to have botched things up really good, or we're getting into more and more
trouble here:
Worry not, I can explain:
You are a very good teacher, I must say.
1. I have manually `make install`-ed passt (and
$ passt version # I don't know what's causing the non-AVX2 thing issue
If you install it to /usr/local/bin, other than adding a profile for
/usr/local/bin/passt{,.avx2} as you correctly did, you also need to add
the /usr/local/bin path to the "abstraction" that's included by the
profile. In /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/passt we have:
/usr/bin/passt.avx2 ix, # arch_avx2_exec(), arch.c
and if you want to do experiments with a local version that needs to be:
/usr/bin/passt.avx2 ix, # arch_avx2_exec(), arch.c
/usr/bin/local/passt.avx2 ix,
I did just that and
$ pasta --config-net --trace --pcap /tmp/dns.pcap -- nslookup fsf.org # `which pasta`
-> /usr/local/bin/pasta
works as expected, thank you.
However, for some reason libvirt still can't run pasta.
$ virsh start --domain vm1
rror: Failed to start domain 'vm1'
error: internal error: Child process (passt --one-off --socket
/run/user/1000/libvirt/qemu/run/passt/2-vm1-net0.socket --pid
/run/user/1000/libvirt/qemu/run/passt/2-vm1-net0-passt.pid) unexpected exit status 126:
libvirt: error : cannot execute binary passt: Permission denied
It seems adding merely '/usr/bin/local/passt.avx2 ix,' in the abstractions file
isn't quite enough. Perhaps there's something missing? Strangely enough, the
libvirt-qemu abstraction file does import this abstraction file.
If, however, I uninstall the manually made version (with the apparmor profile back to
pointing to /usr/bin/passt):
$ passt --version
passt 0.0~git20250121.4f2c8e7-1
Copyright Red Hat
GNU General Public License, version 2 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
$ virsh start --domain vm1
Domain 'vm1' started
So I figure it's okay after all.
Good, thanks for checking! That patch is already applied by the way. As
I mentioned, I'll make a new release (and Debian packages) in a few
I am surprised, the upstream tree does not seem
to contain the recent DNS related patch that I shazamed and tested just a couple of days
earlier ( b4 shazam
https://archives.passt.top/passt-dev/20250203082210.2114348-1-sbrivio@redha… ). I
have just emailed a reply at the patch's own thread, too:
Right, I thought I applied it, but now I remember: I wasn't entirely
sure it fixed your issue, and I was waiting for reviews as well, then I
forgot about it. It's merged now.
Please let me know if I'm still missing (or
failing to report) something. I'd hate to unknowingly be a bottle-neck by failing to
test/report something.
No worries, you're definitely not a bottleneck, my mind sometimes is.
Thanks for the all the tests!
I believe user-mode virtual machines only need access
/run/user/$USER and not /var/run. Not even /run/*, but only
/run/user/$USER. So if that work-around is to be implemented, that
would be the strictest version of it: each user-started passt process
gets access to $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR of it's owner (and not outside of it).
It depends, because if you start passt as root, socket and PID go to
@{run}/libvirt/qemu/passt/, and if you don't, the location becomes
@{run} is an AppArmor handle for /var/run and /run, I think (aren't
they generally linked anyway?). Note that Ubuntu and openSUSE might
use slightly different paths.
/var/run deems to be a symbolic link to /run which is a tmpfs mount on my Debian Trixie
Right, yes, hence that @{run} alias that covers whatever you have on
different distributions or different versions.